To play the game go through the book to the Ghost Piper of Clanyard Bay Tale, and click "Start Game".

Book Controls:

Click on pages to go back/forth.

Clicking on an item in the table of contents will skip to that page. 

Click in the top left corner of the left page to get back to the table of contents.

Click on the Sound icon to mute the music, and again to turn it back on. 

Game Controls:

Move left and right using any standard horizontal input (arrow keys, A & D keys etc)

Jump and climb using standard vertical input (up arrow key or W key)

Play your bagpipes using spacebar! Be careful, if you try to play for too long you will get winded and need to catch your breath before you can do anything again. 

There is a settings page where you can use sliders to change both background and pipes (SFX) volume


Audio - All free to use clips, Ocean sounds are of Scottish waters

UI - Free to use Unity Asset Store Assets

Storybook - Developed using EndlessBook Unity Asset Store package

All other assets are a mix of our own and assets from the Unity Asset store

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